October 26, 2018: TLS 1.2 Update

As part of our continued commitment to maintaining a secure platform, we will be updating to TLS 1.2 and disabling all previous versions of TLS on the ‍iMeet Central application‍, Web Folders, and ‍Public API‍ on October 26, 2018.

If you are using a WebDAV client to access web folders please make sure it supports TLS 1.2. 


If you are using iMeet Central’s API programmatically, please verify with your programming language and operating system documentation that your HTTP client supports TLS 1.2. For example, Python 2.7.8 (and earlier) and Java 7 (and older versions of Android) do not support TLS 1.2 by default.

We also recommend that you test your code against our testing environment. Please contact ‍support@imeetcentral.com‍ to obtain your testing environment information.

We are making sure that your data is processed securely. If you have any questions about incoming changes, please contact us at ‍support@imeetcentral.com‍.


Follow the steps below:


TLS 1.2 - Public API Testing Guidelines



  • Verify that your development environment can access iMeet Central’s Public API using TLS 1.2



  1. Contact support@imeetcentral.com and request staging environment info.
  2. Clone or backup your code before you make any changes.
  3. iMeet Central will provide login information to staging environment (https://app.cdstaging0.com/). Once obtained, login and obtain your staging API client ID and Secret. It's located in Company Setup (Settings -> Company Setup -> Advanced -> API).
  4. Examine the authentication portion of your code. Update your Client ID and Secret to the values you obtained in step 2.
  5. Point your auth_url and base_url to https://oidc.cdstaging0.com/oauth2/token and https://edge.cdstaging0.com/ respectively.


Report your results to support. If you have any questions or run into any problems, please let us know.


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