Resending an invitation is easy, but depends on the way you added the member. Members can either be added directly to the workspace (external members) or added to a company as an internal member. Please see the appropriate section below.
Members added directly to a workspace (external members)
To resend an invitation:
- Go to the workspace where you added the member.
- Click on the People tab (Note: the People tab is only visible to administrators)
- Click on the Permissions tab.
- The Permissions tab lists all the members of the workspace. If the member has not yet configured their account, there will be a Resend Invite by their status of Pending. Click Resend Invite. (If Resend Invite is not an option, see the Note listed below.)
This will launch your default email client with an email including the link that the member needs to configure their account. Add to the message body as needed, and send the link.
Internal members
To resend the invitation:
- Go to the company admin menu (gear icon in the top right) and select Company Setup.
- Select the Internal Members tab.
- If the user has not yet accepted the invite, they may be listed last. Scroll to the bottom to view the user. (If you have multiple pages of users you may have to page through to the last page.)
- Click Resend Invite.
This will launch your default email client with an email including the link that the member needs to configure their account. Add message body as needed, and send the link.
Note: These instructions are for re-sending an invitation to a person who has not configured their account. If they have configured their account, the Resend Invite link will not be available. They are then encouraged to use the Password Recovery feature: