Using custom task properties, company administrators can tailor tasks to expand the scope of information that is included in all tasks. Company administrators can edit task properties, task list layouts, and the overall layout in which they are displayed and edited in tasks by navigating to the company admin menu and selecting Company Setup > Custom Fields > Task Properties.
Learn about:
Changing task list layouts for workspaces and my tasks
Adding task property fields
Editing task property fields
Changing the display and edit layouts
Changing task list layouts for workspaces and my tasks
Once at the Task Properties sub-tab, click on Workspace task list layout or My Tasks list layout to customize the order and items included in your task list views. Task list layouts are limited to seven fields and can include any custom or system task fields in the layout.
Select Add Column to display all task field options to display. Choosing any field will place it at the end of the task list layout. It is then possible to drag and drop the order of the fields from left to right. Once the task list layout is set, select Save List Layout to apply the changes. These layout settings are set at the company level, so the list layout will apply to all Workspace task lists and all My Task list views.
Adding task property fields
Once at the Task Properties sub-tab, click on Add Task Property Fields to create a new task property field. Options are available for the field name, field type, whether or not the field is required, and the field's default value (if any).
Editing task property fields
To modify existing custom task property fields, click on Edit Task Property Fields. This section will allow for changes to the initial setup of property fields.
Changing the display and edit layouts
The Display Layout is the layout that workspace members see when viewing the task, whereas the Edit Layout is the layout that members see when creating or editing the task. The positioning of the areas for Details, Resources, Description, and Task Lists, cannot be modified; the positioning for the custom task properties, however, can be rearranged as desired.
Sections for custom task property fields can created by double-clicking in the area labeled [untitled]. Adding property fields to sections can be done by dragging and dropping any existing custom task property fields into the area labeled +Drop fields here.
To create additional sections, drag and drop the section labeled Add new section from the area on the left into the main arrangement area, where a green area labeled +Drop to add new section will appear.
Changes made to the Display Layout can be applied to the Edit Layout by selecting the check-box for Apply to Edit Layout. Click Save Changes to save the modifications.