Custom fields

The Custom Fields tab in Company Setup is an area where you can manage various custom fields. To access the Custom Fields area, navigate to the company admin menu (gear icon in the top right) and select Company Setup>Custom Fields.


To access Custom Fields, you must be a Company Administrator.


Custom profile fields


Custom profile fields

Using custom profile fields, company administrators can tailor members' profiles to include any information that could potentially be needed by other members. For more on this topic, see the following article: Custom profile fields.


Custom workspace property fields

Custom properties can be configured to ensure all relevant project information is kept in a central location. Custom fields might include primary client contact, cost, department, and more depending on the nature and extent of the project. For more on this topic, see the following article: Custom workspace properties.


Custom time tracking fields

Using custom time tracking fields, administrators can tailor the information needed for tracking time records and viewing reports with time tracking. For more on this topic, see the following article: Custom time tracking fields.


Custom milestone property fields

Using custom milestone properties, company administrators can tailor milestones to expand the scope of information that is included. For more on this topic, see the following article: Custom milestone properties.


Custom task property fields

Using custom task properties, company administrators can tailor tasks to expand the scope of information that is included. For more on this topic, see the following article: Custom task properties.

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