This article explains the standard steps in a review and approve process.
1. Upload the file.
2. Convert to proof.
3. Add reviewers and approvers.
4. Reviewers and approvers make comments.
5. Make decisions based on comments.
6. Lock proof.
7. If file is approved, process is complete. If file is not approved, edit file, upload the new version, and start the review and approve process again.
The standard process flow for review and approve is summarized by the following diagram:
Upload New Version
There are four decisions that can be made on a proof. The decision that is made affects what the Upload New Version button will do.
1. If the decision is "Approved" or "Approved with Changes", the proof will be marked as complete and the proof process will be over. If Upload New Version is then selected, a new version of the file will be uploaded. This version of the file will not be part of the original proof process. If you want this version to be in proof mode, a new proof process will need to be started using the Proof Action menu.
2. If the decision is "Changes Required", or "Not Relevant" , the proof process will continue. If Upload New Version is then selected, a new version of the proof will be uploaded and the proof process will repeat.