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Company directory

The Company Directory tab is a list of all the people who are Internal Members of your Organization regardless of workspace permissions. Generally it is used in Workspaces that are designated for Intranet purposes. When the Company Directory tab is enabled, it will appear to the right of the Home tab. Members can be added to the company from this tab using the Add Internal Members button. The Directory is labeled using the name of the company listed in the Company Settings under the Configuration Options.



Export Directory to CSV

The Company Directory can be exported as a CSV file using the link at the top right of the directory (Options > Export to CSV). Exporting the list as a CSV file can be helpful when adding contacts to programs such as Outlook, or for offline reference.


Enable the Company Directory

To make the Company Directory Tab visible, Company and Workspace Administrators can click on the + Add Tab link to the right of the current workspace tabs. Company Directory is the last option located at the bottom of the System Tabs. Checking the corresponding checkbox and clicking update will make the tab appear in the workspace Tabs.


Customize the Company Directory

It is possible to display up to ten columns of information in the Company Directory, as well as the ability to group the directory by an additional field giving eleven reference properties in one view. The Default view for the Company Directory includes: Full Name, Department, Title, Email, Phone, Calendar and Follow. The view can be customized to reflect the information needed at a glance. Many of the fields available are interactive allowing for greater navigation possibilities. The information visible is taken from members' profiles, and fields which do not include any information will appear blank. To configure a customized combination of information click on Options > Customize at the top right of the directory.



Interactive Fields

Many of the fields available for display in the Company Directory are interactive, allowing for the ability to dynamically use the information from your Users' profiles. By clicking on these fields an appropriate connection or link is engaged. The interactive fields available are:

  • Calendar: a link to the selected member's personal calendar
  • Email: creates a new email message to the selected member using your default email program
  • Email Checkbox: allows for multiple recipients to a new email message using your default email program
  • Follow/Unfollow: a setting to receive updates on the selected member's status messages
  • Full Name: links to the selected member's full profile
  • Image: links to the selected member's full profile
  • Instant Messaging Icon: indicated whether the selected member is online, and allows you to send and instant message if you are logged in to the matching program
  • LinkedIn Profile: a link to the selected member's LinkedIn profile
  • Twitter: a link to the selected member's Twitter account
  • Username: links to the selected member's full profile
  • Website: a link to the website listed in the User's Profile
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