Content Likes are an exciting feature in iMeet® Central which help to promote team or organization project items. All Items which are located in the Files & Discussions area of your workspace can be Liked. Likes can also be useful in assessing member activity and engagement.
What does adding a "Like" mean?
Clicking a Like is a fun and easy way to let fellow workspace members know that you enjoyed the specific item they have posted without leaving a text-based comment. However, just like a comment a Like will be visible and associated with the file you have made the the Like on.
What can be "Liked"?
Likes can be added to Workspace specific Uploaded Files, Online Documents, Discussions and Posted Links.
How do I "Like" something?
Likes can be made three different ways, on a File Detail page, on your Dashboard's Activity Stream, or on a Workspace's Home page. Please check below for examples.
Option 1: Navigate to a Workspace and select Files & Discussions. On this page, select a file. The Like button is available underneath the preview window.
Option 2: Navigate to Dashboard and on your Activity Stream see updates to items you have been included on. Proceed to click Like or Unlike under the desired documents.
Option 3: Proceed to a workspace home page or Wiki page which contains a Recent Activity block. Proceed to Like or Unlike various updates.
Note: You are not able to Like or view the # of Likes of multiple entries done in a short amount of time via the Activity Stream. In this case you would have to submit your Like by going to the File Details Page.
"Likes" in Reporting
The number of Likes made to items can be tallied and sorted by creating a Custom File report.
This can be done by selecting Create>Report>Files>Custom Files Report>Create>Add Filter># of Likes
Sorting by "Likes" in an Application Block
Sorting by Likes can be a great way to keep track of how much attention a file is getting in a workspace.
To do this, place a files application block into a Wiki page or home page, and in the "Sort By" section, select # of Likes.
Insert the application block and view the list by number of Likes in descending order.